Kopax helps chemical companies succeed in marketing and sales.

Whether you want to develop a new market or increase your share or profits in an existing market, Kopax can help you to make good connections with buyers, so you can build lasting relations with customers, and your business can flourish.
You have a product or an idea, which may bring you profit, but you do not know how much profit and where it can be made. Kopax can help you to identify the market potential, quickly and reliably, so you can decide about spending resources to market your product.
You have a product and you know there is a market for it. Now you face decisions about how to develop the market. Kopax can help you to analyze the market and create clever marketing strategies, so you can make good connections with buyers in your new markets, bring good ideas into practice and increase your sales and profit.
If you have a product that can meet customer needs in an existing market, there may be good possibilities for you to get more customers in this market. For that, you need good connections with new buyers. Kopax can find new buyers for you and help you to make successful connections with them, so they will buy your product and then buy it again.
You can be in a position where you think it is possible to get more benefit from the contacts with your customers. To get more benefit, you need time, skills and expertise to help you meet your customers’ needs in the best possible way. If you have customers for your products and think your business with them can be better, Kopax can help you to build strong and profitable connections, so both you and your customers can benefit.
As a buyer of chemical products you want to ensure reliable supplies and the best possible combination of high quality and attractive conditions. For that, you need good connections with suppliers. Kopax can help you to make good connections with suppliers, using business contacts around the world, so you can rest assured that you are well supplied.
Discuss your situation and needs with Kopax. You only have to spend a little time. The rewards can be very great for you. Send an e-mail to Chris Wijnia at cwijnia@kopax.nl.